The Hermit: Her tower lies in the westernmore reaches of Avernum, in the Abyss.Good Is Not Nice: She made Avernum habitable and defeated Grah-Hoth, but is still a bitter, haughty, revenge-driven lady.Even Evil Has Standards: She means to take her revenge on the entire Empire even if that means endangering Avernum with a bloody war, but she won't go as far as making the surface an unhabitable wasteland because of it.A flaw exploited by Rentar-Ihrno to kill her for good in 3. Curse: After she was banished, she was put under a spell that makes sunlight exposure fatal to her.Big Good: Technically speaking she's part of the Big Good Duumvirate with King Micah.She can even teach your party magic if their reputation is high enough. The Archmage: She's the best sorcerer Avernum has to offer and it shows.Aloof Ally: She is on Avernum's side, though her reclusive lifestyle and obsession with revenge makes her not as much of a helpful asset as the Triad's wizards.She currently resides in her own personal tower and still plots her revenge against the Empire. There, she joined forces with King Micah, Solberg and Patrick in order to make Avernum habitable and prosperous. Once among the most powerful and resourceful sorcerers of the Empire, Erika was put under a curse and banished into Avernum. White Mage: The Priest is not well versed in combat but can perform the local equivalent of White Magic to heal, buff, cure and damage undead and other monsters.The spell Divine Host summons a much stronger Divine Shade. Summon Magic: Priests can summon a Shade to fight on their behalf.Status Buff: The number two priority is to buff other party members to improve their attacks or their defense.The top spell Divine Retribution automatically targets all enemies around. Playing with Fire: One of the middle-tier spells summons a rain of sacred fire in a circular area.The Nondescript: While there are many religions across the Empire, you never get to define the playable Priest's faith.The Medic: The Priests number one priority is to keep others alive through healing spells.Blade Spam: In the first trilogy, it could summon a cloud of swirling knives to damage enemies.Followers of one of the many faiths, approved or not, Priests can use their spells to heal, reinforce and damage undead and others.